Uncovering Your Brand’s Hidden Heroes: A Guide to Identifying Brand Champions

Is your brand struggling to find its hidden heroes?

Brand champions are essential for any company looking to improve its reputation and bottom line.

But how do you identify them? And once you’ve found them, how do you engage with them?

This blog post will guide you through uncovering your brand’s hidden heroes.

We’ll discuss identifying brand champions, measuring customer satisfaction, engaging with employees, utilizing social media and online review sites, and implementing a brand champion program.

By the end of this post, you’ll have all the tools you need to uncover your brand’s hidden heroes and turn them into loyal advocates.


Who are brand champions?

A brand champion is an enthusiastic and loyal customer or employee who advocates for a company or product.

Brand champions are essential because they can help promote a positive reputation and drive sales through word-of-mouth marketing.

There are a few key characteristics to look for when trying to identify potential brand champions:

• They have a positive attitude towards the company or product.

• They are passionate about what they do and take pride in their work.

• They are active on social media and online review sites.

• They are engaged with employees and customers.

• They frequently refer others to the company or product.


How to identify brand champions

There are a few different ways that companies can identify potential brand champions:


1. Measure customer satisfaction

Customer satisfaction data can be used to identify potential brand champions.

Companies can measure customer satisfaction through Net Promoter Score (NPS) surveys, which ask customers how likely they are to recommend the company or product to others on a scale of 0-10. 

Industry-Leading Customer Satisfaction | Panopto NPS

Customers who score 9 or 10 are considered promoters, and those who score 7 or 8 are considered passive promoters.

Promoters are more likely to be brand champions than inactive promoters or detractors (customers who score 0-6).


2. Collect customer testimonials and feedback

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When it comes to testimonials, brand champions are the ones who will sing praises for your business.

Having a branded testimonial request form available on hand is an easy way to identify these people as true brand champions versus merely satisfied customers.

Brand champions are invaluable resources as they will spread positive messages about your business online and help strengthen relationships with other potential buyers – all for free!

In addition, gathering these viewpoints allows you to properly recognize (and reward) loyal customers for their loyalty.


2. Engage with employees

Employees can play an essential role in identifying potential brand champions.

Companies should encourage employees to engage with customers and reward them for identifying and engaging with potential brand champions. This reward can appear on the salary pay stub or be reflected in performance bonuses or recognition programs.

But don’t forget about the employees themselves. Adopting an employee engagement software solution can improve your staff’s well-being. This will make them more enthusiastic about engaging with your customers in a friendly and well-meaning way.


3. Utilize social media and online review sites

Social media and online review sites can be used to identify potential brand champions.

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Companies should monitor social media conversations and online reviews to identify customers who speak positively about the company or product.

These customers can then be engaged on social media and online review sites. When it comes to finding and identifying such customers online, brand monitoring software can help simplify this process.


4. Implement a formal brand champion program

A formal brand champion program can help companies identify, engage, and retain loyal customers who advocate for the company or product.

What is a Brand Champion? How to Build Champions for Growth?

Brand champion programs typically involve identifying potential brand champions, rewarding them for their advocacy, and providing them exclusive benefits or access to products/services.


How to measure customer satisfaction

It is essential to understand customer satisfaction to identify brand champions.

Brand champions are customers who are passionate about a company and its products or services and who are willing to promote the company to others. 

They can be a valuable asset to a company, helping to improve its reputation and bottom line.

Customer satisfaction data can be used to identify potential brand champions.

By measuring customer satisfaction, companies can get an idea of which customers are most satisfied with their experience and which are not. 

This information can then be used to target potential brand champions and engage with them more effectively.

6 Ways to Measure Customer Satisfaction Effectively | Trupp Global

There are a few different ways to measure customer satisfaction.

One popular method is the Net Promoter Score, another option is the Customer Satisfaction Score (SCAT), which measures customer satisfaction on a scale of 5 or 10.

No matter which method you choose, collecting customer satisfaction data regularly and tracking any changes over time is essential. 

This will help you identify trends that may emerge, such as an increase in satisfied customers or a decrease in dissatisfied customers.


How to engage with employees

Employees are often on the front lines of customer interactions, and as such, they can be a valuable resource for identifying potential brand champions. 

Employees can keep an eye out for customers who consistently provide positive feedback or go above and beyond to promote the company’s products or services. 

Additionally, employees can engage with customers to better understand their needs and how they feel about the company’s offerings.

This feedback can then be used to identify potential brand champions.

7 Tips for Developing an Employee Engagement Plan - AIHR


The importance of employee engagement and how it can impact customer satisfaction

Employee engagement is critical to ensure customers have a positive experience with a company’s products or services.

When employees are engaged, they are more likely to provide high-quality service and take care of customers’ needs promptly. 

This, in turn, leads to increased customer satisfaction levels. Happy customers are more likely to become brand champions and promote the company to others.


How to encourage and reward employees for identifying and engaging with brand champions

There are several ways that companies can encourage and reward employees for identifying and engaging with potential brand champions. 

First, companies can provide training on what to look for when identifying brand champions.

Second, companies can create incentives or competitions around finding brand champions. 

Finally, companies should recognize and celebrate employees who successfully engage with brand champions. 

By doing so, companies will encourage their employees to find brand champions and show them that their efforts are valued.


How to find brand champions using social media and online review sites

As the world becomes increasingly digitized, companies must have a presence on social media and online review sites. 

Not only does this provide an opportunity to reach out to potential customers, but it also allows companies to listen to what people are saying about them.

The best tips for responding to online reviews - GoDaddy Blog

This can be an invaluable tool in identifying potential brand champions.


How to monitor and analyze social media conversations and online reviews to identify potential brand champions

There are several ways to monitor and analyze social media conversations and online reviews.

One way is to set up Google Alerts for your company name and critical product or service terms.

How to Set up Google Alerts (and Use It to Grow Your Business)

This email will be sent whenever new activity is related to your company or terms.

Another way is to use social listening tools like Hootsuite Insights or Brandwatch Analytics.

These tools allow you to track mentions of your company across various social media platforms and see how sentiment is trending over time. 

What is Social Listening, Why it Matters + 14 Tools to Help
Hootsuite Insights example

Finally, you can manually search for words about your company on social media and online review sites.


How to engage with brand champions on social media and online review sites

Once you’ve identified some potential brand champions, engaging with them on social media and online review sites is important. 

Thank them for their positive reviews and comments, answer any questions they may have, and address any concerns they may have professionally.

Effective Ways to Ask for and Get More Customer Reviews | Sprout Social

You should also invite them to join your formal brand champion program if you have one.


How to launch a brand champion program

A traditional brand champion program can be essential to a company’s marketing and customer retention strategy.

Brand champions are customers who are passionate about a company’s products or services and become advocates for the brand.

They can be key in increasing customer loyalty, advocacy, and referrals, positively impacting a company’s reputation and bottom line.


The benefits of a brand champion program

Brand champions are typically more loyal to the companies they advocate for and less likely to switch to competitors.

They also tend to be more active on social media and online review sites, which can help promote positive word-of-mouth about a company. 

In addition, brand champions often refer friends and family members to the companies they support, which can lead to new customers.


How to develop and implement a brand champion program

There are several steps that companies can take to create and implement a successful brand champion program:

1) Define what you want your brand champions to do – What goals do you want them to help achieve?

2) Identify your target audience – Who are your ideal brand champions?

3) Create attractive incentives – What will motivate people to become brand champions?

4) Recruit participants – How will you reach out to potential brand champions?

5) Train and support your brand champions – How will you ensure they have the information and resources they need to succeed?

6) Evaluate results – How will you measure the success of your program?



As the business world becomes increasingly competitive, it is increasingly essential for companies to identify and nurture their brand champions. 

Brand champions are customers or employees passionate about a company and its products or services and willing to go above and beyond to promote the brand.

There are many ways to identify potential brand champions, but some of the most effective include measuring customer satisfaction, engaging with employees, and monitoring social media and online review sites. 

Once brand champions have been identified, it is essential to formalize the relationship by implementing a brand champion program.

Brand champion programs can have several benefits, including increased customer loyalty, advocacy, and referrals.

If your company wants to improve its reputation and bottom line, consider our free 14 day trial of the Trust platform!

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