How to Use Customer Feedback For Creating Blog Content

customer feedback blog content

Creating content has always been one of the central points in marketing strategies. It has become increasingly important with the digital revolution around us. 

Today, several platforms and mediums for targeting your audience via content are available. One of these mediums is blogs (they have existed for a while, actually). 


Blogs enjoy the trust factor because of their main focus on textual content. The text never goes out of style and has an air of authenticity and heft about it. 

That’s why all websites like to run their blogs. But often face a common problem – finding topics for blog content.

One of the unique ways to find new content ideas for your blog is by analyzing customer feedback.

In this article, I will tell you how you can transform the insights from customer feedback into valuable blog content.

But before we get to the good part, let’s learn how to collect customer feedback.


4 various ways to collect customer feedback

In case you are not collecting customer feedback for your offerings yet, here are some ways to do it:


1. Surveys

The most standard and common way to gather feedback is a survey. It helps you collect honest and accurate insights from a customer. 

They can be divided into two categories: 

  • Long-form: Open-ended questions seeking detailed answers
  • Short-form: Quick, specific questions with multiple choice answers
Survey Questions and Question Types - Multiple Choice Questions and Open  Ended Questions | QuestionPro

Further, they are categorized based on their usability:

  • Web surveys
  • Email & link surveys
  • Chat surveys
  • Mobile app surveys
  • Feedback buttons, etc. 

Surveys work so well because they are easy to answer and don’t take much time for your customers. 

Here are some tips and strategies for designing useful surveys

  • Keep your surveys as short and crisp as possible
  • Don’t bombard with questions – one at a time
  • Ask thoughtful and open-ended questions
  • Refrain from asking loaded questions
  • Ask questions that are useful for your goals
  • Ensure that you are creating consistent rating scales


2. Customer reviews

Customer reviews are the most personal and honest way to get customer feedback. So, you should encourage your customers to share their feedback. Platforms like Trust can help you automate the process, including online form creation and further review management.

When analyzing customer reviews, you get information about your customers’ expectations, also, how their real-life experience with your brand pans out. 

They highlight the areas where work is required and the facets that have positively impacted. 

Here are some channels to collect valuable customer reviews:

  • Your website
  • Your social media handles
  • Your Google business profile




3. Social media comments 

Social media has become an inseparable part of our lives in the last ten years. People have started voicing their opinions, likes, and dislikes via their social media profiles. 

Comments on posts, tweets, videos, and every other form of media are full of truth bombs and expectations of internet users. 

3 Ways Customer Reviews Can Help Your Small Business | The Blueprint

Therefore, social media comments have emerged as a fantastic customer feedback mechanism.

If you learn the art of filtering out what is relevant, you have invaluable feedback at your fingertips. 


4. Webinars and live sessions

Webinars and live sessions have assumed new importance and value in the face of the pandemic. 

There has been a boom in using these methods for virtual concerts, office seminars, meetings, classes, and more. 

As they are becoming a common way of interaction in today’s world, you can use them to obtain feedback from customers. 

You can have real-time comments and questions from your customers when hosting a live webinar. 

Federal Court Cour fédérale

It could be a dedicated Q&A session, a product launch, or anything in between.

Once you have collected views and thoughts from your customers, you can use them for content creation.


Turning customer feedback into blog content

You always want to create content that your audience is interested in and wish to read. With topics derived from customer feedback, you can be sure about it.

Here are some ways to use customer feedback and come up with great blog content:


1. Explain features people don’t understand

Customer feedback often brings out the inability of the customers to properly make sense of various features offered to them. 

For example, you are a SaaS (software as a service) company. There is bound to be a need for guidance in smoothly navigating some features of your offerings without doing software testing

You can create expert blog articles on these features and explain them in detail. 

In this way, you bring your customers back to you for their informational needs. They find to-the-point, authentic and reliable solutions from your blog.

Like we have explained the SEO IQ feature of RankWatch in this blog:


It helps our customers easily use the SEO IQ  feature and find answers to related questions.


2. Offer solutions people frequently need

Customer feedback brings to the fore a variety of frequently needed solutions. You can easily identify these problems or issues customers face by analysing them. 

What you should do next is group these problems into relevant sections. Now, you may pick each group up and categorize them topic-wise. 

Finally, you are all set to create blog content on these topics. When you do so, provide the most relevant and workable solutions. 

So, your customers won’t have to refer to alternative sources for these solutions. They come to your blog every time they face a problem related to your offerings.

For example, people are always on the lookout for tips to get to the first page of Google. So, we published a blog to offer a solution.


3. Answer the most common questions

When you receive feedback, it includes a multitude of commonly asked questions. These questions can be on any aspect – from product features to their usability and more. 

You can use these questions as your blog titles and create great content around them. These will be more targeted and get you a lot of traffic from organic searches.

One of the most common questions we received was related to getting started with RankWatch, ‘How To Add A Project?’.

We published a blog related to it and made it easy for our customers to begin their journey with us.

In this way, customer feedback turns out to be a goldmine for your blog content strategies.

But before you start writing the content, you need to do thorough keyword research. 

It gets easy when you use a free keyword research tool. Within seconds, you have a treasure trove of potential keywords related to your topic.


You can select keywords for your content based on their search volume, competition and cost per click. 

With that, you’ll ensure your blogs are optimized for searches and bring you desired results.


Value of creating content around customer-centric topics

Producing high-quality content is a tried and tested way of marketing a brand. The content can be in any format, but the bottom line is to add some real value to the target audience. 

Here are some reasons why creating customer-centric content is rewarding: 


1. Trust building

By creating quality content on topics your target audience cares about, you win their trust. They start valuing you as a brand and regularly return to your platform. 


2. Higher engagement and conversion rates 

When there is trust between you and your target audience, it’s only natural that they flock to your blog/website for their knowledge fix. 

If you have added CTA (calls to action) within your content, it leads to higher conversion rates. 


3. Improved SEO

Customer-centric content increases your chances of getting quality backlinks. Also, more shares across platforms and recommendations for your content among peers. 

You can easily drive more targeted traffic to your blogs and boost your SEO. 


4. Customer loyalty and relationships

When you establish trust with your customers, you build strong relationships. You earn their loyalty towards your business. 

In this way, the content generated out of customer feedback becomes an asset. It continues to reward you in the long run!


Fuel your content strategy with customer feedback 

Customer feedback can be an effective way to boost your content strategy. It can help you create content that adds value to your customers. 

In this way, you will never fall short of content ideas and generate more engagement on your blogs.


This is a guest post by Sahil, the founder of Rankwatch

Sahil is the CEO and Founder of Rankwatch – a platform, which helps companies and brands stay ahead with their SEO efforts in the ever-growing internet landscape. He likes making creative products that can help in the automation of mundane tasks. You can connect with him and the Rankwatch team on Facebook or Twitter.

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customer feedback blog content

How to Use Customer Feedback For Creating Blog Content

Creating content has always been one of the central points in marketing strategies. It has become increasingly important with the digital revolution around us. 

Today, several platforms and mediums for targeting your audience via content are available. One of these mediums is blogs (they have existed for a while, actually). 


Blogs enjoy the trust factor because of their main focus on textual content. The text never goes out of style and has an air of authenticity and heft about it. 

That’s why all websites like to run their blogs. But often face a common problem – finding topics for blog content.

One of the unique ways to find new content ideas for your blog is by analyzing customer feedback.

In this article, I will tell you how you can transform the insights from customer feedback into valuable blog content.

But before we get to the good part, let’s learn how to collect customer feedback.


4 various ways to collect customer feedback

In case you are not collecting customer feedback for your offerings yet, here are some ways to do it:


1. Surveys

The most standard and common way to gather feedback is a survey. It helps you collect honest and accurate insights from a customer. 

They can be divided into two categories: 

  • Long-form: Open-ended questions seeking detailed answers
  • Short-form: Quick, specific questions with multiple choice answers
Survey Questions and Question Types - Multiple Choice Questions and Open  Ended Questions | QuestionPro

Further, they are categorized based on their usability:

  • Web surveys
  • Email & link surveys
  • Chat surveys
  • Mobile app surveys
  • Feedback buttons, etc. 

Surveys work so well because they are easy to answer and don’t take much time for your customers. 

Here are some tips and strategies for designing useful surveys

  • Keep your surveys as short and crisp as possible
  • Don’t bombard with questions – one at a time
  • Ask thoughtful and open-ended questions
  • Refrain from asking loaded questions
  • Ask questions that are useful for your goals
  • Ensure that you are creating consistent rating scales


2. Customer reviews

Customer reviews are the most personal and honest way to get customer feedback. So, you should encourage your customers to share their feedback. Platforms like Trust can help you automate the process, including online form creation and further review management.

When analyzing customer reviews, you get information about your customers’ expectations, also, how their real-life experience with your brand pans out. 

They highlight the areas where work is required and the facets that have positively impacted. 

Here are some channels to collect valuable customer reviews:

  • Your website
  • Your social media handles
  • Your Google business profile




3. Social media comments 

Social media has become an inseparable part of our lives in the last ten years. People have started voicing their opinions, likes, and dislikes via their social media profiles. 

Comments on posts, tweets, videos, and every other form of media are full of truth bombs and expectations of internet users. 

3 Ways Customer Reviews Can Help Your Small Business | The Blueprint

Therefore, social media comments have emerged as a fantastic customer feedback mechanism.

If you learn the art of filtering out what is relevant, you have invaluable feedback at your fingertips. 


4. Webinars and live sessions

Webinars and live sessions have assumed new importance and value in the face of the pandemic. 

There has been a boom in using these methods for virtual concerts, office seminars, meetings, classes, and more. 

As they are becoming a common way of interaction in today’s world, you can use them to obtain feedback from customers. 

You can have real-time comments and questions from your customers when hosting a live webinar. 

Federal Court Cour fédérale

It could be a dedicated Q&A session, a product launch, or anything in between.

Once you have collected views and thoughts from your customers, you can use them for content creation.


Turning customer feedback into blog content

You always want to create content that your audience is interested in and wish to read. With topics derived from customer feedback, you can be sure about it.

Here are some ways to use customer feedback and come up with great blog content:


1. Explain features people don’t understand

Customer feedback often brings out the inability of the customers to properly make sense of various features offered to them. 

For example, you are a SaaS (software as a service) company. There is bound to be a need for guidance in smoothly navigating some features of your offerings without doing software testing

You can create expert blog articles on these features and explain them in detail. 

In this way, you bring your customers back to you for their informational needs. They find to-the-point, authentic and reliable solutions from your blog.

Like we have explained the SEO IQ feature of RankWatch in this blog:


It helps our customers easily use the SEO IQ  feature and find answers to related questions.


2. Offer solutions people frequently need

Customer feedback brings to the fore a variety of frequently needed solutions. You can easily identify these problems or issues customers face by analysing them. 

What you should do next is group these problems into relevant sections. Now, you may pick each group up and categorize them topic-wise. 

Finally, you are all set to create blog content on these topics. When you do so, provide the most relevant and workable solutions. 

So, your customers won’t have to refer to alternative sources for these solutions. They come to your blog every time they face a problem related to your offerings.

For example, people are always on the lookout for tips to get to the first page of Google. So, we published a blog to offer a solution.


3. Answer the most common questions

When you receive feedback, it includes a multitude of commonly asked questions. These questions can be on any aspect – from product features to their usability and more. 

You can use these questions as your blog titles and create great content around them. These will be more targeted and get you a lot of traffic from organic searches.

One of the most common questions we received was related to getting started with RankWatch, ‘How To Add A Project?’.

We published a blog related to it and made it easy for our customers to begin their journey with us.

In this way, customer feedback turns out to be a goldmine for your blog content strategies.

But before you start writing the content, you need to do thorough keyword research. 

It gets easy when you use a free keyword research tool. Within seconds, you have a treasure trove of potential keywords related to your topic.


You can select keywords for your content based on their search volume, competition and cost per click. 

With that, you’ll ensure your blogs are optimized for searches and bring you desired results.


Value of creating content around customer-centric topics

Producing high-quality content is a tried and tested way of marketing a brand. The content can be in any format, but the bottom line is to add some real value to the target audience. 

Here are some reasons why creating customer-centric content is rewarding: 


1. Trust building

By creating quality content on topics your target audience cares about, you win their trust. They start valuing you as a brand and regularly return to your platform. 


2. Higher engagement and conversion rates 

When there is trust between you and your target audience, it’s only natural that they flock to your blog/website for their knowledge fix. 

If you have added CTA (calls to action) within your content, it leads to higher conversion rates. 


3. Improved SEO

Customer-centric content increases your chances of getting quality backlinks. Also, more shares across platforms and recommendations for your content among peers. 

You can easily drive more targeted traffic to your blogs and boost your SEO. 


4. Customer loyalty and relationships

When you establish trust with your customers, you build strong relationships. You earn their loyalty towards your business. 

In this way, the content generated out of customer feedback becomes an asset. It continues to reward you in the long run!


Fuel your content strategy with customer feedback 

Customer feedback can be an effective way to boost your content strategy. It can help you create content that adds value to your customers. 

In this way, you will never fall short of content ideas and generate more engagement on your blogs.


This is a guest post by Sahil, the founder of Rankwatch

Sahil is the CEO and Founder of Rankwatch – a platform, which helps companies and brands stay ahead with their SEO efforts in the ever-growing internet landscape. He likes making creative products that can help in the automation of mundane tasks. You can connect with him and the Rankwatch team on Facebook or Twitter.

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