Employee Testimonial Templates: Create Winning Testimonials to Build Authenticity

AI testimonial generator

Employee testimonials are powerful tools to help you recruit top-quality talent and showcase your brand’s authenticity to your existing and potential clients. 

Most job seekers look at a company’s website for reviews rather than employee review platforms such as Glassdoor. Your employees are one of the strongest assets of your business.

So using their voice to showcase your brand’s best features is the ultimate form of social proof. 

But how can you request your employees to submit a testimonial?

And what should a winning testimonial contain?

To answer these questions, we will cover the A-Z of employee testimonials with inspiring examples and introduce a fantastic tool that you can use to collect employee testimonials – Trust.


What are employee testimonials?

Employee testimonials are your employees’ perspectives on how great it is to work for your company and where they talk about the culture.

Like every testimonial, employee testimonials are impactful social proof drivers that attract both potential talent and customers.

You can display such testimonials on your website, career pages, recruitment drives, etc.

employee testimonial example

Employee video testimonials are great ways to promote your company’s working culture and showcase diversity. 

A well-gathered high-quality video testimonial of your employees is key to attracting the attention of any website visitor and sure to keep them hooked to learn more about your product or service.


Who should you ask for employee testimonials?

The first step in leveraging this powerful marketing tactic is deciding who to ask for testimonials.

When considering who to ask, look at employees who have been with your business long enough to know how it works and be able to accurately describe the work environment.

Come up with three people you would prefer to interview and make sure in each case that they could provide positive feedback about your company.

Keep in mind that they will be representing your brand!

Employee Testimonials

While you should always do thorough research on candidates beforehand, avoid limiting choices too much until after initial contact.

After all, people can surprise you!


Requesting an employee testimonial and things to include

The larger your team, the more challenging it is to ask your employees for testimonials.

Also, the submitted testimonials must clarify every question your potential employees and customers may have. 

So, what should a winning employee testimonial contain?

You must make sure every key department and the diverse roles of those employees are covered.

This way, your testimonials will promote a diverse work culture and describe your organization’s role in shaping their careers.


Top 6 employee testimonial questions to ask

Here are some questions to include while capturing a captivating employee testimonial:

  • What is your name and position in the company?
  • How has your career transitioned since you first joined the company?
  • What is the best thing about your work?
  • How would you describe your managers and coworkers?
  • What is the company culture like?
  • Why do you love working with your team?

Now that you know what goes into a comprehensive employee testimonial, let’s find out how Trust helps you in this process.


How to request an employee testimonial using Trust

With a testimonial collection tool like Trust, you can forget all the hassles of requesting testimonials.

The tool uses a straightforward and practical approach to request and collect impactful employee testimonials.

Trust uses a clean request method to request and submit testimonials. Your employees can simply follow your set of instructions to submit their text or video testimonial without having to download or sign up on the app.

Here’s how you can submit an employee testimonial request form using Trust:

  • On your Trust dashboard, navigate to Testimonials
  • Choose one of the two forms: Interactive or Smart.


Pro tip: Here at Trust we sincerely recommend you try to create a series of video questions in Interactive forms.

This type of form lets you add a single question at a time, creating a meaningful deep conversation with your employee:

Interactive form example

Once you’ve chosen the form type, enter the following details to ensure your submission form captures all critical information:

  • Put general details under the General tab 
  • Under the Testimonial tab – request the type of testimonial you intend to collect (text, video or both)
  • Add a welcome message for each employee to personalize your request under the Welcome tab 
  • Include custom guidelines for your employees as this makes their submission process easier (refer to the questions from the previous section)
  • Request their social media handles and any other information that seems applicable 

Your testimonial collection form is all set to be sent to your employees.

Your employees can either record a video, type a written testimonial, or upload a video from their device.

Moreover, there’s even a built-in AI testimonial generator that will help even those employees who struggle with text writing!

If you’re wondering how to send this request across to your employees, don’t fret, because Trust has a solution for this, too.

You can easily copy the testimonial request form’s link and send it to any number of employees through your official email.

Here’s how to do this:

To access the form link, navigate to Forms > Activity tab > click on the “Copy form URL to clipboard” icon. 


Next, you can refer to the below personalized email template:

Dear [employee name],

Thanks for all your hard work and dedication at [company name]. We’d like to hear how your experience has been with us.

Would you mind taking just a few minutes to leave some feedback and talk about your experiences? You can do it by visiting this [link].

And when your employees submit their testimonials, you get an instant notification via email and can track the collected testimonials on your Trust dashboard.

You’ve collected your employees’ testimonials, and now it’s time to showcase them on various channels. 


Where can employee testimonials be displayed?

Displaying testimonials is another crucial aspect that will need your attention. Suppose you have great testimonials at your disposal but are unable to display them effectively, then you would fail to achieve the desired conversions.

You can publish employee testimonials on your website as widgets, pop-up notifications or upload video testimonials on your company’s YouTube or Instagram channels.

Trust offers a user-friendly method to display your employee testimonials on your website without any coding knowledge needed:

First, navigate to the Trust dashboard and click on Testimonials. Here, you can see the list of collected testimonials – published and unpublished.

Next, under Actions, click on the publish icon. You can also preview or edit the testimonial before you hit publish.

To add more visual impact, Trust offers three options to display your testimonials on your landing page or website using widgets, pop-ups, and Floating Stars.

Testimonial widgets by Trust

Explore the full library of customizable website elements here!

Need some more inspiration? Let’s look at some outstanding employee testimonials from some leading companies.


3 big-name employee testimonials for inspiration 


Employee testimonial #1: Apple

Apple has sectioned its Careers page into multiple departments, such as Software & Services, Retail, Hardware, and more. 

Here’s a video testimonial of an Apple employee in the Software Services department talking about their incredible experience and work culture at Apple:


Employee testimonial #2: Nike

Nike uploaded a series of employee testimonials under its “Life at Nike” page.

The format follows an engaging storytelling style of video testimonials:


Employee testimonial #3: Amazon

The trusted eCommerce major, Amazon, has published its employee testimonials on its YouTube channels.

These videos take us around an employee’s everyday life working at Amazon while portraying the incredible work-life balance the company offers:


To sum up

Now it’s your turn. Start collecting eye-catching employee testimonials in a snap. Build your company’s credibility and encourage highly skilled potential employees to join your growing staff. 

Use Trust to leverage social proof using your most important assets – your employees.

Try the 14-day free trial today!

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