How to Easily Create Transcription and Subtitles for Your Video Testimonials 

transcription and subtitles for video testimonials

A Verizon study found that up to 80% of viewers finish watching a video with subtitles.

Also, about 69% prefer watching videos with the sound off in public places.

With video content taking over the internet, it’s high time we used transcriptions and subtitles for our video testimonials.

Picture this: your potential client is at an airport browsing through your website.

They stumble upon client video testimonials on your web page. But to their dismay, they find no video captions to watch with the sound off – leading them to click away. 

So, to avoid such situations and make your video testimonials more engaging and vibrant, this article will introduce you to an easy way to auto-generate transcriptions and subtitles.

Here’s everything we’ll cover:


Table of contents

7 benefits of video transcription and subtitles

What is transcription software?

Trust – the best transcription software for video testimonials

  • Auto-transcription of video testimonials using Trust
  • Generating subtitles for video testimonials using Trust

Best use cases for video testimonial transcriptions and subtitles


7 benefits of video transcription and subtitles 

Including closed captions and transcripts can benefit your business in many ways.

Let’s discuss the most iconic ones:


1. Viewers grasp better

Did you know the average human attention span can barely last 8.25 seconds?

That’s barely how long you took to read the previous sentence.

Video subtitles are more likely to increase viewers’ attention span and help them grasp the subject better.

Multiple studies show that reading and hearing a video simultaneously helps people remember things. Incorporating subtitles into your video content can significantly enhance viewer engagement and comprehension.


2. More inclusive video testimonials 

Subtitles and transcripts are super helpful for non-native English speakers.

Therefore, reaching more audiences if your clientele is spread across the globe. 

Also, clients or viewers with hearing disabilities would appreciate videos having subtitles. 


3. Content repurposing 

Want to convert video testimonial transcripts to an audio review? Or to use them as subtitles for a YouTube video? Or convert them into a blog post?

Transcripts and subtitles are super versatile tools that let you repurpose and improve marketing material. 


4. SEO ranking 

Transcripts generated for your video testimonials support high-quality content that Google can crawl upon publishing.

That means more traffic to your website!

For example, you can encourage clients to use specific keywords in their video testimonial submissions so Google can detect and rank on page one of the search results.


5. User experience 

Your potential leads could be watching your video testimonials from anywhere – public transport, private places, crowded streets, movie theaters – you name it. 

Video testimonials with proper transcripts or subtitles can improve user experience and interest them more in your offering. 


6. Searchability 

Subtitles and transcripts increase search engine searchability.

This means prospects using specific keywords could land on your web page having video testimonials.

They can find what they’re looking for and jump to specific parts of the video testimonial that use their keyword. 


7. Language translation

Plenty of tools can help you translate video transcripts and subtitles into other languages. 

Translation can have multiple benefits, such as increased YouTube video viewership, powered-up SEO in non-English speaking countries, wider reach, etc.

Now that you’re convinced how powerful and versatile video testimonials having subtitles and transcriptions are, it’s high time we tried using a video transaction tool to speed up the process.


What is transcription software?

Transcription software helps with the automatic conversion of human speech to text.

For example, video transcription software assists in transcribing videos and auto-generating subtitles.

How does transcription software work? 

Using an in-built auto-transcription tool, the software converts recorded or live videos into texts and/or subtitles for a better viewing experience.

It saves businesses ample effort and time manually transcribing or typing subtitles. 


Trust – the best transcription software for video testimonials 

Your search for a feature-packed video testimonial tool with built-in video subtitles and transcription ends here.

Meet Trust.

Trust is your one-stop solution for all things testimonial.

Be it video surveys, text reviews, video testimonials, built-in editing, or subtitle generation – Trust’s user-friendly interface helps you create authentic social proof that prospects love. 

Let’s take a look at how Trust’s auto transcription and subtitles generation works for video testimonials.


Auto-transcription of video testimonials using Trust

First, create a video testimonial using Trust.

This can be done in under ten minutes!

Learn the step-by-step process here.

Once done, follow the five easy steps below to generate transcription:

  1. On the Trust dashboard, go to the “Testimonials” tab. Here, you can find the testimonials you created with Trust. Find your preferred one and click on the “Edit” icon.
  1. Select the “video” option and click on the “Transcription” icon as shown below: 
  1. Choose your preferred language (based on the video testimonial) from the drop-down menu and click “Transcribe” to start the process.  
  1. The yellow indicator next to the transcription icon indicates conversion is in progress, while green indicates completion. 

  1. Click on the icon to see the full text. Reuse this to create text testimonials, as email promotional material, for blog posts, social media, and many more. 


Generating subtitles for video testimonials using Trust

Like generating transcripts, Trust’s subtitle generation works on its dashboard.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Under the “Testimonials” tab, find your preferred testimonials and click the “edit” icon.
  1. Select “Video” under the Testimonial tab and ensure you’ve generated a video transcript, as shown in the previous section. 
  1. Click the “Subtitles,” aka closed captions (CC) icon, and close the pop-up.

The blue indicator means subtitle generation is in progress

  1. While the indicator is still blue, re-click the icon to open a subtitles editor screen. Here, you’re free to edit the text as it gets generated. 
  1. Click “Create” when you’re happy with the text. Next, click “Close” to close the video editor window and wait for the final subtitles to be added to your video testimonial. 

  1. Press save when you can see subtitles added to it, and download the video! 

Et voila! You’re video testimonial with subtitles and transcription is all set to be used for various marketing purposes. 

We have some marketing use cases to inspire you.


Best use cases for video testimonial transcriptions and subtitles

Introducing you to the best places to repurpose video testimonials with transcripts and subtitles:

  • Sales calls 

Use the video transcripts in your sales presentations or pitches with potential clients. They can serve as amazing visual aids. 

  • Promotional emails

Forget typing what your client said over a testimonial. Just copy-paste your generated transcript and use it in your promotional emails’ bodies to attract subscribers.

  • YouTube videos

Have your own business YouTube channel? Upload your video testimonials with subtitles and use the transcript for the video description. Include the right keywords to attract more views.

  • Product pages 

If you’re an eCommerce or a SaaS brand, try adding snippets from your video testimonial transcription to your product page to increase social proof.

  • Product demos

Add context to your product demos by displaying video testimonials with subtitles or add snippets from your transcript to make the demo more engaging and credible.

It’s now your turn to generate video testimonials with subtitles and transcription in no time. 

Want to experience the video testimonial magic with Trust?

Start right away with Trust’s 14-day no credit card free trial!

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